Workshop “Optimization, Transport and Equilibrium in Economics” 2009
From July 6th, 2009 to July 8th, 2009
Location: Ecole des Mines de Paris, 60 bd Saint-Michel, 75006 Paris.
Room: Amphi V334 (3rd floor, Batiment Vendome).
Organizing committee:
G.Carlier (Dauphine)
A. Galichon (Polytechnique)
F. Santambrogio (Dauphine)
T. Tomala (HEC)
Scientific committee:
P.-A. Chiappori (Columbia)
I. Ekeland (UBC)
P.-N. Giraud (ENSMP)
R. McCann (Toronto)
Conference hotel: Hotel de Senlis, 7 rue de Malebranche, Paris 5e.
A map of the area, including the locations of the conference events, is available here.
The workshop is open to all but to help us plan the event you are kindly requested to confirm your participation to Damien.Fessler AT
The aim of the workshop “Transport, optimization, equilibrium in economics” is to bring together economists and mathematicians with common interests in subjects related to the mathematics of transportation in a broad sense.
Program: program.
Abstracts and papers: abstracts.
Slides: slides.
A. Blanchet (U. Toulouse)
D. Bosc (Polytechnique and Axa IM)
Y. Brenier (U. Nice)
G. Buttazzo (U. Pisa)
C. Decker (U. Toronto)
J. Donaldson (LSE)
I. Ekeland (UBC)
A. Figalli (Polytechnique)
P.-N. Giraud (ENSMP)
O. Gueant (Dauphine)
C. Jimenez (U. Brest)
J.-M. Lasry (Dauphine)
P.-L. Lions (Dauphine)
B. Maury (U. Paris Sud Orsay)
R. McCann (U. Toronto)
J.-M. Morel (ENS Cachan)
P. Mossay (Reading)
A. Pratelli (Pavia-Madrid)
L. Rueschendorf (U. Freiburg)
B. Salanie (Columbia U.)
M. Scarsini (LUISS)
W. Schachermayer (U. Vienna)
E. Stepanov (St. Petersburg)
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