European Research Council consolidator grant (ERC-CoG) No. 866274, 2020-2025

Project description
This project seeks to build an innovative economic toolbox (ranging from modelling, computation, inference, and empirical applications) for the study of equilibrium models with gross substitutes, with applications to models of matching with or without transfers, trade flows on networks, multinomial choice models, as well as hedonic and dynamic pricing models. Applications to various fields such as labor economics, family economics, international trade, urban economics, industrial organization, etc. are investigated.
This project is hosted by the department of economics at Sciences Po.
The scientific agenda
The EQUIPRICE project is built upon a rigorous scientific agenda at the intersection of economics, data science, mathematics and computation. See here.
EQUIPRICE Lunch Seminars
The EQUIPRICE team meets bimonthly on Thursdays for lunch seminars that hold in person or remotely to discuss research in progress by the team members, or summarize existing research on a topic. Occasionally, an external researcher is invited to present. Some of these meetings are public. See schedule here.
Seasonal events
Winter: ‘math+econ+code’ January masterclass
A ‘math+econ+code’ masterclass is held over one week in the month of January. Topics usually revolve around the economic applications of optimal transport. Find out more information here.
Spring: EQUIPRICE lectures
Topical lectures by EQUIPRICE team members and invited researchers are given during the Spring semester. See a schedule here.
Summer: ‘math+econ+code’ June masterclass
Another ‘math+econ+code’ masterclass is held in June, on a theme which is in general complementary to the January class, typically dealing with Walrasian equilibrium with gross substitutes. More information here.
Fall: EQUIPRICE workshops
A research workshop is organized yearly in the Fall. See a list of past and upcoming workshops here.
EQUIPRICE code & Papers
Open-source code is developed a product of the EQUIPRICE research effort. Find out more here.
Publicly available manuscript version of the papers written with the support of EQUIPRICE are listed here.
The team
The core EQUIPRICE team is made of a principal investigator, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate student assistants. Meet the equiprice team!
Job posting for the EQUIPRICE project are advertised here.
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