Econometrics, Quantitative Economics, Data Science


KECD 2175 – Seminar

Matching markets: theory and applications

Sciences Po, M2 Economics and Public Policy, PhD track
Spring 2013 (24h)


Please note: this is the webpage of a previous year. To go to the current year’s course webpage, please visit


Lecture slides

The lecture slides  will be distributed in class or emailed upon request. A syllabus is available here.

Lecture 1 (1/23/2013): Introduction.
Lecture 2 (1/30): The optimal assignment problem.
Lecture 3 (2/6): Stability and the core. Optimal transportation.
Lecture 4 (2/13): Optimal transportation (continued). Assortative mating.
Lecture 5 (2/20): Transportation on networks.
Lecture 6 (2/27): The theory of hedonic models (1).
No lecture 3/6 (holidays).
Lecture 7 (3/13): The theory of hedonic models (2).
Lecture 8 (3/20): The econometrics of hedonic models (1).
Lecture 9 (3/27): The econometrics of hedonic models (2)
Lecture 10 (4/10): The econometrics of matching models: handout.
Lecture 11 (4/16): Search and friction in matching: handout.
Lecture 12 (4/17): Final exam. Perspectives: handout.

Course information

Schedule: Wednesdays, 8am-10am, starting January 23, 2013.

Location: Room H S2, 28 rue des Saints-Pères.

Validation: A test will be organized during last class.

Description of the course

The course will focus on the economic theory and the econometrics of matching  from a number of points of view. It is intended to give an overview of the basic theory of matching with transferable utility, its testable  implications, as well as its application to various fields such as hedonic models, labor economics, family economics, and to a lesser extent some other topics such as geographical economics and industrial organization. A particular emphasis is put on the empirical aspects and identification issues, and numerical methods will also be discussed.


The institutional web page of the course is here.